Step Behind the Sky


Why just listen to some dude's songs, read his strange thoughts, ponder pronouncements about your daily fate? You'll feel better when you post your own music or write your own strange thoughts or offer your own cyber-fortunes.

This site will get better and better with visitor-supplied content. One caveat: all submissions are subject to the whims, moods, prejudices, insecurities, and sloth of Swalof*.

Send cyber-fortunes to

Send strange thoughts to

Other comments, questions, and typo alerts go to

All cyber-fortunes are anonymous.

If you submit a strange thought, say whether you want your name or contact information included, or whether you'd rather be anonymous.

If you have MP3s of your own music, you might be able to put them here if you want to offer your music for free. That's more labor intensive: we'll play it by ear.

*Swalof is Sir Webmaster, Arch Lord of Foobar